BD 2011-2015

                                         Aneesh  P. Alex                                              

Call to worship:
The Most Holy God, who revealed Himself, cleansed and commissioned prophet Isaiah in the temple, is with us. Let us experience the holiness and glory of God throughout our worship and respond to it creatively.

Opening Song:
Hymn no: 7 (Selected Hymns and Order of Worship)

Opening prayer:
O God, Holy, Glorious, and Most gracious; We praise You for your humility for coming down to the limitations of this world to reconcile humankind with God. We praise You for Your vision and commission which you gave to our parents for enabling us to be in your ministry. We adore You for giving new meaning to our prayers and worship.  Open our eyes to see Your Holiness. Make us to be a part of Your Holy presence. Set us free from a past that we cannot change, and lead to us a future in which we can be changed. Grant us grace to grow more in Your likeness and image. Holy God, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us for the sake of Your Son, who died to free us from our sins. To you be the glory and honor, forever and ever.
All:  Amen.
Confession prayer:
In the holiness of God we can see our sinfulness. Let us confess our sins and pray for His forgiveness.
Leader:     Merciful God, forgive us our sins; for being critical of others when we fail to correct our own sins.
Response: Lord grant us a right sensitivity to our own sinfulness and a loving attitude towards others.

L:   Merciful God, forgive us our sins; for giving priority to the matters other than worship, and pardon us for altering the worship order to our convenience.
R:    Lord grant us the spirit of true worship to see Your glory.

L:    Merciful God, forgive us our sins, for making the worship as the means of self-satisfaction and failing to conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of our calling.
R:   Lord grant us the mind of reflecting Your glory and blessings to the entire creation.

May the Holy God forgive these our sins, and cleanse us to walk blamelessly in His ways. Amen.

Thanksgiving prayer:
Thanksgiving is a response of knowing God’s mercy upon us. Let us give thanks to the merciful lord.

Leader:      Lord, our Christian journey is influenced by many role models, mentors and all faithful, who have lend their support for enabling us for Your ministry.
Response: We give thanks for Your intervention through Your people.

L:   Lord, our calling and commission is Your intervene through our varied life experiences.
R:   We give thanks for Your everlasting presence with us.

L:    Lord, whole of the creation magnifies Your Glory and Mighty.
R:    We give thanks for Your revelation through Your handiworks.

Intercessory prayer:

Leader:      Lord our Heavenly father, govern and direct Your holy church with love, truth and bond of unity according to Your will.
Response: O Lord leads us to unity.
L:     We pray to guide the leaders of the nation into the ways of your justice and peace.
R:     O Lord, restore your justice and peace.
L:     We pray to enlighten your ministers in this seminary with true knowledge and understanding .
R:    O Lord, grant us discernment of knowledge and divine word.
L:    We pray for the sick, the lonely, the bereaved and the oppressed, especially for …………for your mercy.
R:     O Lord, heal and comfort those who suffer.

L:     Strengthen us to live according to Your holy will. Help and guide us to love and serve all the creation in the power of Your spirit and in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
All:  Amen.

Bible reading:     Isaiah 6: 1-8

Sermon theme:                     Envisioning the Divine Holiness towards a Holy Life.
1.      Envisioning Divine Holiness
2.      Response to Divine Holiness

Prayer and Benediction.


 Envisioning the Divine Holiness towards a Holy life
Book of Isaiah 6:1-8
David Livingstone, spoke before a great youth rally in England. Before he could retire from the ministry, he must find someone to take his place. He asked, “Who, in this audience will be ready to go to Africa for me and take my place?” nobody came forward. Heartbroken Livingstone said, “Then I myself will go.” And so already in his seventies, he returned to Africa and worked there until he died.  This question is being asked to us, by God almighty through His Word to carry His Good News amongst the oppressed people. Are we able to respond to the divine will? The read portion is an example of such calling and commissioning.
The Book of Isaiah records the visions of Prophet Isaiah. Prophet Isaiah is the son of Amoz. The name Isaiah means ‘Yahweh is salvation’. He lived and worked in Jerusalem from about 750 to 700 B.C.E and had access in royal court. Isaiah 8:16 suggests Isaiah as the author to “bind up the testimony of God.”
The Book of Isaiah contains 66 chapters that bear witness to God’s communication with His disobedient people. Chapters’ 1-39 points out the nation’s problem of sin which must be rectified before a proper relationship with the covenant God. Chapters 40 - 66 emphasize the forgiveness and pardoning of God to his people. Ultimately redemption for Israel must come from the ‘ideal servant,’ the Messiah. Isaiah discussed the depths of Israel's sin and the heights of God’s glory and His coming kingdom
Proto-Isaiah, especially chapters’ 1-5 emphasizes that the people lacked spiritual insight and would not turn from their sinful condition. Isaiah 6 is a climax to the troubles of Judah accounted in Isaiah 1-5, and bridges the Lord of hosts to become the Holy One of Israel.  Isaiah 6 emphasis the extreme depravity of the nation by contrasting it with God’s holiness. Through chapters’ 1-5 we can know that the prophet see the sinful condition of the nation, and he set himself apart from the nation until he saw the vision of God and realized that he too was part of the sin. Here the prophet knew the entire nation needed the same kind of awareness of God and cleansing of sin he had received. So he responds to the call of God and commits himself to serve him.
                The Israelite society that Isaiah was addressing in the eighth century had undergone great socio-economic and political changes since the introduction of monarchy. In the pre-monarchical period of the tribal confederation, the majority of the populations were peasants living off their in egalitarian communities under the leadership of elders. These tried to guarantee the welfare of everyone’ especially the weaker section of society such as widow and orphans. Yahwism inspired and directed every aspect of people’s lives. All this changed with monarchy and during the time of Isaiah. The economy was controlled by the ruling classes and their wealthy associates. This system was based on the Canaanite model of the city state, where Baalism favored a social system in which the ruling classes controlled the economy and oppressed the rest of the population.
        This society has some similarities with Indian society. Baalism which established a hierarchical model of this society, as have and have not, is similar to the caste system in India, placing about 16 percents of the population who call themselves Dalits. They were at the bottom of the social ladder in a continued and hopeless situation of poverty and subjugation rendering them as untouchables and polluting. Modernization and westernization is weakening the old communitarian and family values of traditional Indian culture. Women live in rather vulnerable state as victims of cultural degradation and abuse. Religion, which is to call people to repentance and justice, is used for the wrong reasons, to incite hatred and tolerance and to justify the oppression of certain classes of people. It is an implicit rejection of god’s absolute sovereignty over human affairs. This is the sin of pride that was at the root of all the disorders in Israelite society that Isaiah condemned in his prophecies of judgment: social inequalities, injustice and militarism.
        In this context of the text, I would like to call your attention to the two points that supported the title ‘Envisioning the Divine Holiness towards a Holy life’. My first point is

1.          Envisioning Divine Holiness.
This portion is a foundational text for understanding Isaiah’s concept of God. Yahweh is identified as the holy one which is typically Isaian, because it occurs 26 times in this book and only 6 times in the rest of the Hebrew Bible. Holiness has the idea of apartness. It describes someone, or something, which is set apart from other people or things. ‘Qadosh’ is a word that demonstrates God’s holiness. He stands alone in comparison to creation and all other things. God is unique in His very essence and being. The prominence of God’s holiness is expressed through the repetition of, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts.”
 This form of repetition is used for expressing a superlative idea in Hebrew. God is Holy and transcendent in nature. This transcendent God is at the same time immanent in the world through God’s glorious splendor that actively fills the earth both in judgment and salvation. The holiness demanded here is ethical not just ritual. God’s laws are themselves as expression of God’s being and that is why any sin is considered as the attack on God.
        During the interview of the Seminary entrance process, we will claim to have received the ‘call of God.’ It had been understood through the experience of healing in our lives, a dream, a life changing experience etc. Many of the call narratives are described as an experience out of the ordinary.
For the impoverished and the struggling people in India, prominent among the attributes of God are God’s holiness, righteousness, justice, pity, love and kindness. This is the Isaiah’s understanding of God’s holiness. God is the creator and hence life giver. So each and every action will be judged on the account of whether it promotes life or diminishes it. Anything that is anti-life is therefore sin against God and always merits God’s anger and punishment.
            If this is the nature of God, God also hopes to see these qualities and attributes in God’s children. God’s holiness defines not only God’s being but also God’s relationship with the world and humanity. This is why God say that “you shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy” in Leviticus chapter 29 verse 2. An object can be holy if it is set apart for sacred service. A person is holy if they are set apart for God’s will and purpose. As God is holy, our calling is to work towards the establishment of justice and life for all people, life in all its fullness. 
        According to G. Campbell Morgan, genuine holiness is defined as:
- Not the inability to sin, but the ability to not sin.
- Not the freedom from temptation, but the power to overcome temptation.
- Not infallible judgment, but earnest and honest endeavor to follow the higher  wisdom.
- Not deliverance from infirmities of the flesh, but triumph over all bodily afflictions.
- Not exemption from conflict, but victory through conflict.
- Not freedom from liability and falling, but gracious ability to prevent falling.
- Not the end of progress, but deliverance from standing still.
Christ chose to die for you and me. His motives behind it were clear. He wants to redeem, rescue and deliver us from all that enslaves harms or disappoints. He also wants us to be pure and unstained in this wicked world. He yearns for us to be enthusiastic about doing well in this world. God through His Spirit is working in the world to inspire in us the value system that would make us holy because God is holy. This inspiration will promote us to respond to the divine holiness. This leads to my second point which is….
2.          Response to divine holiness.
The vision of God’s majesty, holiness and glory made Isaiah realize that he was a sinner. When Ezekiel saw God’s glory, he too responded with humility. Isaiah had pronounced threats of judgment on the nation, but now he realized that he was subject to judgment. This was because he is unclean. When been next to the purity of God’s holiness, the impurity of human sin is all more evident.
                There are no volunteers in Bible. When we begins with Abraham, Moses, the prophets, even Mary the mother of Jesus were all called for a purpose. None of them volunteered. They were all chosen. Isaiah is not being called to be a priest or a ritual expert, but to be prophetic, to condemn the injustice in the world and to work towards righting it.
Almost all who were called are first offered reasons as to why they were not fit for the ministry. Abraham said ‘I am too old’. Moses replied ‘I am slow to speech’. Mary wondered ‘but I am a virgin’. Jesus prayed ‘if possible, take this cup away from me’. Like ways Isaiah says “I am a man of unclean lips”. Isaiah became profoundly aware of his own and his society’s sinfulness and unworthiness (vs., 5). This is used as a reason to excuse from the mission. It is a difficult task ahead of him to prophecy words of judgment.
Isaiah had to preach Good News, which is the bad news to the hearers. Isaiah saw his sinfulness, and the sinfulness of his people. The reality of God’s righteousness and holiness immediately brings Isaiah’s unrighteousness into the light. But God took the initiative to cleanse him (vs. 7) and sent him on a mission to preach what he had experienced, namely God’s holiness and the possibility of being pardoned through repentance (6:8-13). Isaiah was cleansed by God, through the intermediary work of the seraphs, touched Isaiah's lips with a hot coal from the alter. This symbolic action signifies the removal of the prophet’s guilt and his sin. Of course this is what the entire nation needed. The cleansing is through the mercy of God.
                Once a student in a college who received only five marks out of hundred in the examination asked teacher- “sir, five marks out of?” in fact he deserved to get only zero, but the teacher gave him five marks. The teacher surprised that the student had the audacity to ask – “sir out of?” the teacher answered “out of mercy”.  If we ask God why god is still forgiving and equipping us, god would answer- “out of mercy.”
God does not appoint a person to service and then cleanse them. He will always cleanse them and then commission them. God does not call without being aware of what our capabilities or our weakness are and God will equip us out of his mercy, for the task if only we are willing to respond to His call and say, “here I am, send me”. Respond to divine holiness or not is our choice.
The aim of mission is not only be the conversion of souls, but the liberation of all people from poverty and suffering. We hope our actions will speak for us and express our understanding of God and Jesus. To be called as holy people we are called to work for the liberation of the oppressed and make possible life in all its fullness. Jesus shows the good model of mission through healing, teaching and reconstructing the society. The work of Jesus removes sin and imputes righteousness. Jesus is the good model of the holy life. Doing the will of God is the symbol of holy life. The mission should change the life and life situation of the society. Through the vision of God, we would enable to serve God and thus lead a holy life.
        Within this short time, I wanted to take all of you to the world of prophet Isaiah and consider how we would respond to the understanding of the holiness of God. What attributes of God challenge us? How does our life and ministry reflect the qualities of God? God is transcendent and powerful. God’s presence fills the whole world. God intervenes in the history through human. The vision in the temple, the hymn, the smoke of the offering and the ritual of purification show the transformation of the prophet Isaiah. The contemporary call to respond prophetically to social injustice is experienced in the context of prayer and worship. The sense of sin in the society makes a prophet. Likewise prophetic words and actions gain conviction and force when expressed out of genuine piety.
I would like to share that, a very dangerous vehicular accident in my childhood turned a life changing event; it could have even lead to my death or brain death. But god through his providential care saved and healed me. It led me more close to God and prepares me for Lord’s ministry.
Our experiences, worships, hymns, prayers, rituals and practices are shallow without concern for the specific and concrete problems of human society. By Envisioning the Divine Holiness through our worships, are we ready to respond; “here I am, send me”.