BOOK REVIEW The Spiritual Care Dietrich Bonhoeffer, BY GINI PHILIP GEORGE

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Spiritual Care, Translated by Jay C. Rochelle, United States of America: Fortress Press, 1985, 93 pages. ISBN 0-8006-1874-2
Spiritual care written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer translated by Jay C. Rochelle is a book which addresses the multi-lingual, multi- faceted dimensions of a pastoral ministry. Jay C. Rochelle is Assistant Professor of Worship and Dean of the Chapel at the Lutheran School of Theology. This book renders different occasions of a pastor which he must face in his day to day life.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, and founding member of the Confessing Church. He was a social activist also, who opposed the Nazi authority especially the euthanasia and genocidal persecution. He was executed by the Nazis for his role in the German resistance Movement There were several works, films, documentaries relating to the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Some of the important writings are  Sanctorum Communio, Creation and Fall, Act and Being. One of the prominent works are The Cost of Discipleship and Life Together.
The life of pastor must be dedicated to the wellbeing of the whole creation. In this book Bonhoeffer deals with the life situation of a human being in his secular and spiritual life. He divides the book into twelve sections, each specifying a life situation. In the introductory part Jay C. Rochelle, gives a brief note of Bonheoffer’s experiences in the Finkenwalde seminary of the Confessing Church. Author remembers that Bonhoeffer was a man full of spirit who had a definite plan in training the theological students. Bonhoeffer had a strong conviction in Christ. He transcended above the church divisions in his teachings and emphasised on the live of Christ. In Spiritual Care Bonhoeffer addresses the ultimates. He attempts to reread the Gospel in the light of concerns in the personal lives, and to use effectively the tools of the traditional churches, i.e., the baptism, wedding, funeral, and pastoral visitation.
Bonhoeffer emphasises the sphere of the Word of god and its proclamation to the living world. The style of the text demands a kind of spiritual elitism and moral superiority and also the administrative part of the church. In the Introductory note we can see the whole structure of the book, and the thrust of the book. The author characterises the pastoral role in the light of church divisions such as Lutheran, Celtic churches, etc. He interprets pastor as one who authorises authenticates and supports the search for God in the light of contemporary needs.
For the purpose of review, the following section is divided into four sections. In the first section, Bonhoeffer emphasises the mission aspect of spiritual care. He introduces diakonia, the Greek word which means “to serve”. The whole Spiritual care is to serve the creation. This depends on universal priesthood, which again is based on faith that is the commission. A pastor who has the key to Gospel should know what Gospel and Law enlighten about Spiritual Care. The following unit describes the importance of Law and Gospel in ministry. Bonhoeffer states that the nook and corner of the human life should be related to gospel which gives more clarity to their spirituality. A pastor should confront the person through the gospel. He emphasises the continuous presence of the pastor with the person, silently and wordlessly, in all times as an intercessor. Each and every feeling whether it is despair or satisfied, whether he/she is sad or happy, whether in anger or calm, should need a genuine confrontation using the possibilities of gospel. Here the pastor should maintain a dialogic form with the gospel and person. The ultimate goal of using the gospel is acceptance of the person as sinner. The main emphasis should be in consolation and confrontation.
The second section deals with pastoral intervention to the human beings in various life situations. Bonhoeffer deals with the importance of house visitation. A pastor should be in regular contact with the people intimately. Many are failing to be with the parishners. Here the author emphasises the pastoral nature of Jesus Christ, and challenge to take it as the model. It should be a habit to the pastors. Another case the author mentions is the confrontation of the pastor to the indifferent. Bonhoeffer addresses three different kind of people. First mode receives fulfilling through their family and vocation. They sometimes attend the church. They live alongside the church. Second group are educated and cultured, so that they are above ecclesia and they are angry with the narrow-mindedness of the people. The third group stood disconnected and they are against the church. Pastor should confront them with great care. and another group which should get cared are the tempted person with emotions, melancholy, and the third most grieve one is the temptation in  faith. A pastor should know that these temptation are the work of Satan and pride in flesh. This should be uprooted using deep faith in Christ.
The third section deals with the sorrow situation in the life of human. A pastor should need a conviction in confronting the sick, death bed and the funeral section. D. Bonhoeffer emphasises in the regularity in visitation to sick, and the bereaved until they are consistent in their life situation. Proper support is needed to the bystanders also. The pastor should imitate the Christ love towards the sick, deathbed, and the afflicted. In a funeral service, a pastor should need a proper conviction about death and eternal life. D. Bonhoeffer explains it on the basis of funeral service, concept of cemetery and the cremation. The people are perplexed about these issues. They may ask questions about the death of a non-baptised person, eternal life of a suicide person. In relating to the faith and the tradition of the church, a pastor should give a convincing answer. 
Following the section the book deals with the Spiritual care in baptism and wedding. The people should be given the awareness of what is it and what is the importance of the sacraments.
In the fourth section, the book deals with the spiritual care provided to the pastors in all the situation. Often they may face a burnout situation. This should be vented up properly. The church should need an intimacy with the pastors. Mutual help in the ministry is taken for granted. This also deals with the situation of a confessing heart. People must be given awareness about the importance of confession and absolution in the life of a person.

In a nutshell, the book can be suggested as a mandatory reading before beginning the ministry. When we go through this book we can feel the life experience of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The name Spiritual Care itself circumscribes the human life situation. Today our church needs a re-thinking of the mission aspects. Initially it should start from the centrifugal dimension.