Mary the Mother of Jesus:by Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Makarios

Mary the Mother of Jesus: A Prototype of Radical Discipleship.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Matthews Mar Makarios
Advent season is the time to remember the events related to the birth of Jesus Christ. Every Christmas season is the reminder of the salvific act of God to redeem the fallen humanity. It pronounces the unconditional love of God who sacrificed his only son for saving the world.
 For our devotion, the scripture portion I have chosen is from the Gospel according to St. Luke 1: 26-38.
Bible Passage: Luke 1: 26-38
The theme for our devotion is titled: Mary the Mother of Jesus a Prototype of Radical Discipleship.
At the time of Mary, the mother of Jesus, a woman accused of any kind of sin was severely punished. If it was the sin of adultery the punishment was to stone to death. It was at such a time that the angel Gabriel said to Mary, “Greetings favoured one!, The Lord is with you”.
Proclamation of Angel: A Divine call:
Here the angel Gabriel acts as the messenger of God. The Greek and Hebrew term for angel,  angellos and malach reflects the same meaning. We can find many instances in the New Testament, wherein angels were sent to proclaim message. In the New Testament we see the visit of angel to Mary, angel assuring Joseph of Mary’s faithfulness, the angel visiting the shepherds etc. Also in the life of Jesus, we come across an angel of God strengthening Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
In the above passage, verse 38 reflects the perfect submission of Mary which sets her as an epitome of discipleship.
Let us meditate on the factors that help us to lead a radical discipleship:
Holy Spirit leads us to radical discipleship:
The birth of Jesus Christ is the result of Holy Spirit conception in Virgin Mary. It means that Holy Spirit was specially functioning at the time of birth of Jesus. In Jewish thought, Holy Spirit had certain definite functions like, to convey God’s truth to men; to teach the prophets the message to be proclaimed and also in God’s act of creation. Thus Holy Spirit not only brought words to men but also enabled them to proclaim it.
In John 20: 19-23, we come across the missionary commission by Jesus. Amidst the darkness and fear of Jews, the risen Christ enters the room and proclaims the message of peace to the disciples. Verse 22 says, “…. Receive the Holy Spirit”. Here Jesus attests the importance of Holy Spirit in the future ministry and works of the disciples. Through it he establishes the continuing presence of Jesus in our mission. Giving away of spirit is the sign of this mission commissioning. In John 16: 8 we see the guiding force of the Holy Spirit. Thus work of the spirit is to lead us to the fuller dimension of truth. Our church should be a spirit filled community and discipleship should be a spirit filled experience. In verse 35, the angel says that the Holy Spirit will come down on Mary. It highlights the encouraging presence of Holy Spirit in the life of Mary.
Cross as the reward of Discipleship:
In John 28: 24-28, we witness the discourse between Jesus and Thomas. When Thomas refuses to believe the resurrection of Christ, Jesus shows him the marks of cross. Jesus here proclaims the cost of discipleship. Through this Jesus also tries to convey the message that in discipleship one should not expect a reward more than the cross. God send Jesus as the first missionary to this world and through commissioning the disciples, he challenges them to bear the cross. It is said that Commissioning has no promises but lots of Challenges. Radical discipleship is to understand this truth that in the very term of discipleship lie many challenges. When Thomas believes the resurrection of Christ, he proclaims the most supreme Christological Pronouncement:  My Lord and God.
The basis of discipleship is self denial which is very well highlighted in the life of Mary. When Gabriel proclaims the good news to Mary, she very well understands that the good news she will bear could make her an object of social stigma. By fully acknowledging the fact, she affirms this verse of submission.
The word Immanuel: God with us, accentuate the same meaning implied in John 1:14 i.e the word became flesh. It declares the continuing presence of God in our lives. Post ascension Jesus’ asserted his presence by the commissioning of the Holy Spirit. Just as the Psalmist say Even though I walk through the deepest valley. I face no fear.
Though church has only one mission, it has in it various ministries. Ministry is the praxis of mission and it enlightens the whole inhabited world. The purpose of mission is to get the fullness of life. By emulating the life style of Mary we can reshape our lives to be a fruit bearing disciple of Christ.
May the Almighty Lord strengthen us to submit ourselves like Mary and make our discipleship an offering pleasing to the Lord.